Our Walnuts

In a world constantly searching for healthier food choices, we believe walnut are the nut of the future. We constantly strive to refine and improve every aspect of our farm and its produce.

Rotondo is commitment to producing the very best walnuts in Africa. This is confirmed by our certification authorities and the consistently high quality product we produce year after year.

As the only exporter of Walnuts in South Africa, it is crucial that Rotondo maintains excellent agricultural practices. To this effect, we have a GlobalG.A.P Certification.

The farm also holds a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Certificate of Registration with the following scope: The Receiving, Production, Packing, Storage and Distribution of In-Shell and Cracked Walnuts.

Rotondo Walnuts has also been assessed and found to satisfy the requirements of SANS 10330:2020 Hazard analysis & critical control points.

For all our food safety test requirements (pesticides, microbial, chemical) we use external SANAS accredited laboratories.


Howard is another walnut variety cultivated in California in the late 20th century. We harvest our Howards during the middle of the season. They produce a large, round smooth nut with a good seal. Tree size is small to medium and semi-upright with moderate vigour, which makes it a good candidate for high-density plantings.



Our Serr trees are harvested early during the season. They produce large nuts, with a good shell seal and a high kernel to shell ratio. Serrs manage well in shallower, heavier soil. They require less fertiliser and can survive hot climates, but should not be planted in areas where there is a risk of late frost. They are fast growing large trees that require good spacing to thrive.



The Chandler cultivar was developed in California in the late 1970’s. Our Chandler is a highly fruitful vigorous tree with fewer pest problems than other cultivars.  Their walnut is large, smooth, and oval shaped with a good shell seal. Chandlers are well known around the world and are highly prized by buyers for their extra light colour and high quality kernels. Harvested mid to late season, Chandlers provide one of the highest kernel yields of any other tree. Worldwide, the Chandler walnut is the most prolifically planted walnut worldwide.
